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Andrei Pandele, arhitect de profesie, este si fotograf, lucrarile sale despre perioada comunista fiind expuse in numeroase tari in ultimii ani.



education: graduated 1968 Bucharest University of Architecture Ion Mincu; Master in architecture, session 2000, « Professional urban-architectural planning »

languages proficiency:        french /10, english /8, italian /6, russian /6; (1-10 scale)

1995-2001    holder optional course 4-th year in Architectural highschool – Bucharest

Membership professional societies: member of Romanian Architect’s Union and Order; Urbanist’s Union; Fédération Internationale Art Photographique; Sports Press Association;

Employment Record: Work listed best illustrates capability to handle the tasks assigned :

period employer; position held /main duties;

from 1996     ApArte projects Bucharest; owner, director /office phone, facs: **/021 211 0278

                     2010   Upgradind big appartments in Bucharest

                     2005   5 Stars turistic complex, Somova Tulcea, British Investor tel: 203.6562

2002   National Cathedral, Bucharest Contest – Ranked 13 Project

1998-2001 – Deputy Chief Architect of Bucharest Town, Co Author to Development Main Plan of Bucharest – PUG – author of Strategy Principles

involved in Lots of Zonal and Detail Urbanistic Projects (PUZ & PUD)

PUZ Gradinari, SE inside main ring, rules for Central Historical Zone PUZ

1997 Soda-co Center – Iuliu Maniu; 1996  villas in Bucharest and Brasov

1992-1996    STIL ltd Bucharest; (projector & builder), manager, team leader/

                     RomImpas build.      5 levels, 1400sqm, 171b Maniu boulevard, ph: 434.0559

                     Remodelling, updating 6 level building, 125 years old, 4500sqm 2 Rahova str.

Remodelling,          5 level building, 1600sqm 7 Victoriei street  97 years old

                     Bucharest villas: Eminescu 53 (passive sun-option), Istrati 15, Sportului 25,

1991-92        Seteb; Paris,             France, mail: metulesco-archi@wanadoo.fr

                     project architecture /pavillon Ambroise Paré, hôpital de Joanne, Paris

1975-1991    EUP; Design Institute Investments Electric & Electronic Industry; coordinator for Electrotechnic Platform Bistrita, /Ceramic Insulators factory Mexico-City (International Offer Won), /IFMA elevators tower, highest Romanian building  – 118.mh, 6 levelled electrotechnic factory halls in Timisoara, a.s.o;

1968-1975    ISCAS; Studies construction, architecture, urbanism Institute     ph:314.7840;

Herculesbath-center /200 milion$ inv.- Arhitectura review 3/74

                        project main coordinator /Hotel Aphrodite in Hercules-baths, on slope 85%

Huge programs ability developped :

2 months 1998, as romanian Government expert, european integration department

3 days course on old center revivals 1998 with Silvio Mutal, now director of UNDP Europe;

3 d. FS course nov.2006 Marc le Clef, president Espace Environnement; Valonnie planner

Countries of work experience: Romania, France 12 months (94).

Position: architecture, building, environment field councillor; Detail tasks assigned :

Detail strategy in environment protection, program assistance; Complex understanding of architecture, anticipation of urban developpment;

Technical risks prevision advices, economical analysis, operative conclusions.

sport:             rugby, swimming, yachting /FD, tennis;

hobby:            professional photography, practised and teached in Journalistic Highschool;